Friday, June 22, 2012

New(ish) directions

I had a nice conversation yesterday, with a friend who liked to read my other blog (the deep, meaningful, personal one - you have been warned!). And they suggested that it's probably about time I resurrected this old fellow.

I started this blog about 4 years ago, when my interest in teaching with technology was really taking off. The blog-making task was part of a 'Masterclass' I was attending (run, funnily enough, by the team I now work for), and as you can see, the momentum didn't really last. But, it's been here waiting for an opportunity to come back to life.

I am now blessed to be working in a job that gives me the time and the opportunities to really investigate the types of technological and educational innovations that make a real impact in the classroom. Things that (I believe) will eventually change the way we teach and learn. When I was speaking with my lovely friend yesterday, he commented on the fact that I'm always brimming with ideas and enthusiasm and that, for the most part, I don't really get the opportunity to share it.

So, knowing that I was a moderately successful blogger (well, I had more than 50 followers, that's successful isn't it?) in my personal life, I thought 'why not try resurrecting my professional blog too'?

So that's what I'm going to do. The thing about technology in education is that it all just moves so quickly. It's not that teachers don't want to take these things on, it's just that they don't know how/what/when is the best. So I thought I'd use this blog to bring together the research that I come across, the great writing I find on various topics, and of course the really cool resources that are available to make learning more personal, meaningful and flexible. Things that I care very passionately about.
I will also endeavour to do it all with an ACT/Australian perspective, so that you know that it will actually make sense in your context.

So please, have a look, tell your friends, and keep coming back so that I can keep you posted.

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