Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Learning Federation

Well I guess my last post was a little unlike sunny ol' me - but geez, it's Tuesday and I have absolutely no money left from my last pay! Why is life so expensive????

Anyway, I thought I might do a little word-spreading about 'The Learning Federation". These wonderful people spend all their time collecting resources for us to use in our classrooms. Anything from interactive flash animations to photos to video, they have something for most subjects we're teaching. Available free to all schools, they are well worth a look. There are catalogues available on the website, but in Canberra we generally get a hold of them through myclasses.

I've made a little podcast (my first ever!) about doing an object search, so if you're unfamiliar with the process, please have a look:

By the way, this was my first go at imovie - what an amazingly easy program to use! One thing I think I'll have to work on is file size; 3Mb is probably too big for some. I might look at posting podcasts onto my wiki too (must get back there some time!).

While I'm on the subject - podcasting - WOW!
I saw one a colleague had created using a digital camera (hmm...must get my school to buy one!), smart notebook software and imovie. It was amazing, with kids speaking about values etc. Very nice work! It got me inspired, but I'll have to think of a good topic. 

But podcasting has many possible applications - tech support stuff such as I've attempted here -or SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) as another colleague calls them; subject tutorials to be posted onto myclasses pages (e.g. homework/lab help); showcase of kid's work (email to parents?) etc etc. Lots of potential, now to find the time...

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